For information on other render settings, see Render Settings window. In such cases selecting the object and pressing the key 1 enables mental ray to render out the low poly version. About the Render Settings mental ray tabs in Maya 2016 Set up your render using mental ray for Maya Set up mental ray scene passes The mental ray tabs consists of five tabs: Passes tab, Features tab, Quality tab, Indirect Lighting tab, and Options tab. Note: if you render objects with “smooth mesh preview” enabled (By pressing the Key 3), mental ray renders a more complex wireframe. Now apply the material to the objects that you would like to render as a wireframe. If necessary adjust the value of the width (0.5 usually has nice results).Apply the material to a test object (like a poly sphere) and do a render. To learn more about the inner workings of mental ray for Maya 2016 and what it has to offer, visit the Elemental Ray blog, where David Hackett covers the finer points in detail: Maya 2016, new features and integration.Enable “Contour rendering”, and set the color to black.

Expand the mental ray section, and the subsection “Contours”.Navigate to the Shading Group “lambert2SG”, and rename it to “mat_wireframeSG”.Create a white Lambert material “matwireframe”_.Expand the “Draw by Property Difference”-section > Enable “Around all Poly Faces”.Expand “Contours” > Enable “Enable Contour Rendering”.Nuke understands this workflow but it is not part of mental ray in Maya yet (it is. Expand ” Legacy Options”> Set Sampling Mode to “Legacy Sampling Mode” We might be able to explain some things in a few weeks about how its.You probably neither have seen or heard of this feature due to that this feature is only found in the “legacy mode” of Mental Ray and even then it is still hidden in the advanced settings. This way you can set up an environment that is rendered normally and your hero object is rendered as wireframe object. To use this feature you have to activate it in the render settings and then apply a shader to the object. I will show you how you can make a clean, technical and awesome looking image using mental rays “contour” render option. It would be better to render the object using a render engine. You could do a quick screenshot of your model in wireframe mode, but that looks cheap and not very impressive. If you want to show off your awesome modeling skills, there is no better way then to show off the models wireframe.